Goldman sachs llc 中文
25 Nov 2020 LLC, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., ICBC Standard Bank PLC, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, Barclays Capital Inc., BNP Paribas Securities Corp.,
此讯息由高盛集团(“高盛”)的一个或多个关联公司的证券部门人员编制, L.L.C.)或由Goldman Sachs Asia Bank Limited,为有限制牌照银行)分发;在 高盛集团公司(英語:The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.)是一家美国跨国投资银行 与金融服务 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。 Goldman Sachs Group, «Го́лдман Сакс груп» — один из крупнейших в мире Goldman Sachs Asset Management International Holdings L.L.C. (Делавэр). Goldman Sachs Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Япония). GSAM Holdings II LLC 大量翻译例句关于"Goldman Sachs" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索 refers to his directorship of Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. and the confirmations [.
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和高曼萨克斯公司. 率领的业务团队与外国投资银行如高曼萨克斯公司. 投资银行. "goldman sachs (china) llc"中文翻译 高盛(中国)有限责任公司. "goldman sachs finance"中文翻译 高盛金融公司. "goldman sachs group"中文翻译 高盛集团 公司总部所在地:美国 主要业务:证券经纪. "goldman sachs interest group"中文翻译 戈德曼萨克斯财团.
高盛银行. 高盛证券. 和高曼萨克斯公司. 率领的业务团队与外国投资银行如高曼萨克斯公司. 投资银行. "goldman sachs (china) llc"中文翻译 高盛(中国)有限责任公司. "goldman sachs finance"中文翻译 高盛金融公司. "goldman sachs group"中文翻译 高盛集团 公司总部所在地:美国 主要业务:证券经纪. "goldman sachs interest group"中文翻译 戈德曼萨克斯财团.
率领的业务团队与外国投资银行如高曼萨克斯公司. 投资银行. "goldman sachs (china) llc"中文翻译 高盛(中国)有限责任公司. "goldman sachs finance"中文翻译 高盛金融公司.
Christine Idzelis. December 16, 2019. Goldman Sachs headquarters. (Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg) Goldman Sachs Group’s asset management unit has named Raanan Agus and Mike Brandmeyer co-heads of
"goldman sachs (china) llc" 中文翻譯 : 高盛(中國)有限責任公司 "goldman sachs finance" 中文翻譯 : 高盛金融公司 "goldman sachs group" 中文翻譯 : 高盛集團 公司總部所在地:美國 主要業務:證券經紀 "goldman sachs interest group" 中文翻譯 : 戈德曼薩克斯財團 goldman: 高曼sachs: 薩赫斯china: n. 中國。n. 瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷質黏土。 a piece of china一件瓷器。llc: 國際載重線會議 ※英文詞彙goldman sachs (china) llc在字典百科英英字典中的解釋。 高华-汇丰-goldman,sachs&co 中文名叫什么 我来答 新人答题领红包 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC operates as an investment management company. The Company offers investment banking, securities, asset management, capital market, valuation, bonds, funds, financial "goldman sachs international"中文翻译 高盛国际公司 "goldman sachs llc"中文翻译 高盛有限责任公司 "gs goldman sachs"中文翻译 高盛投资银行 "goldman sachs finance holdings llc"中文翻译 高盛金融控股有限责任公司 "lehman goldman freres group"中文翻译 莱曼戈德曼弗里尔斯集团 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., ( / sæks /) is an American multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in New York City. It offers services in investment management, securities, asset management, prime brokerage, and securities underwriting.
檢視 CSMall Group Limited (1815) 的法人股票持股、共同基金持股與最高個人持股。 NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is exploring how it can meet rising customer demand to own and invest in bitcoin, while still staying on the right side of regulation, bank President and Chief Operating Officer John Waldron said on Wednesday. "Client demand is rising," Waldron said. "We are regulated on what we can do. Rochester Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Rochester, New York. 861 likes · 53 talking about this. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization whose goldman sachs llc的中文翻譯,goldman sachs llc是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯goldman sachs llc,goldman sachs llc的中文意思,goldman sachs llc的中文,goldman sachs llc in Chinese,goldman sachs llc怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 高盛集团公司 (英語: The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. )是一家 美国 跨国 投资银行 与 金融服务 公司,其总部位于 纽约市 曼哈顿 。. 高盛集团提供 投资管理 、证券、 资产管理 、 主经纪商 (英语:Prime brokerage) 与 证券承销 (英语:Underwriting) 等服务。.
(Делавэр). Goldman Sachs Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Япония). GSAM Holdings II LLC 大量翻译例句关于"Goldman Sachs" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索 refers to his directorship of Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. and the confirmations [.
What is the meaning of goldman sachs llc in Chinese and how to say goldman sachs llc in Chinese? goldman sachs llc Chinese meaning, goldman sachs llc的中文,goldman sachs llc的中文,goldman sachs llc的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC (GS-Asia) is the Hong Kong-based brokerage subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd., ultimately owned by Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) in the US.Established in 1984, the firm's Hong Kong office is Goldman Sachs' regional headquarters for Asia (excluding Japan). Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Info: Size ($ in 1000's) At 12/31/2020: $388,633,072 At 09/30/2020: $352,353,681 Combined Holding Report Includes: GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC UNITED CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISERS LLC GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P. GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL GOLDMAN SACHS BANK AG AYCO CO L P Goldman Sachs Trust Company N.A. Goldman Sachs Group, «Го́лдман Сакс груп» — один из крупнейших в мире инвестиционных банков, являющийся финансовым конгломератом, в кругу финансистов известен как «The Firm», занимается инвестиционным банкингом, торговлей ценными бумагами, инвестиционным менеджментом и другими Christine Idzelis. December 16, 2019.
Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC (GS-Asia) is the Hong Kong-based brokerage subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd., ultimately owned by Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) in the US.Established in 1984, the firm's Hong Kong office is Goldman Sachs' regional headquarters for Asia (excluding Japan). Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Info: Size ($ in 1000's) At 12/31/2020: $388,633,072 At 09/30/2020: $352,353,681 Combined Holding Report Includes: GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC UNITED CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISERS LLC GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P. GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL GOLDMAN SACHS BANK AG AYCO CO L P Goldman Sachs Trust Company N.A. Goldman Sachs Group, «Го́лдман Сакс груп» — один из крупнейших в мире инвестиционных банков, являющийся финансовым конгломератом, в кругу финансистов известен как «The Firm», занимается инвестиционным банкингом, торговлей ценными бумагами, инвестиционным менеджментом и другими Christine Idzelis. December 16, 2019. Goldman Sachs headquarters.
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Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division announced today that it has partnered with Koch Equity Development LLC, a subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., to acquire shares representing 100% of Flint Group’s share capital from funds advised by private equity firm CVC Capital Partners.
瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷質黏土。 a piece of china一件瓷器。llc: 國際載重線會議 ※英文詞彙goldman sachs (china) llc在字典百科英英字典中的解釋。 高华-汇丰-goldman,sachs&co 中文名叫什么 我来答 新人答题领红包 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC operates as an investment management company. The Company offers investment banking, securities, asset management, capital market, valuation, bonds, funds, financial "goldman sachs international"中文翻译 高盛国际公司 "goldman sachs llc"中文翻译 高盛有限责任公司 "gs goldman sachs"中文翻译 高盛投资银行 "goldman sachs finance holdings llc"中文翻译 高盛金融控股有限责任公司 "lehman goldman freres group"中文翻译 莱曼戈德曼弗里尔斯集团 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., ( / sæks /) is an American multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in New York City.
Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division announced today that it has partnered with Koch Equity Development LLC, a subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., to acquire shares representing 100% of Flint Group’s share capital from funds advised by private equity firm CVC Capital Partners.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. An American multinational investment bank and financial services company. 雅虎!财经. 点差, 2.46, 点差(%), 0.75%. 隔夜 Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. Reports December 31, 2020 Financial Results and Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.45 Per Share (02/25/2021). NEW YORK 检查“ Goldman Sachs”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中Goldman Sachs的翻译示例,听 发音并学习语法。 沪江词库精选Goldman Sachs是什么意思、英语单词推荐、Goldman Sachs的用法 、Goldman Sachs的中文意思、翻译Goldman Sachs是什么意思. 海杉资本致力于连接国际资本和国际级的本地化资产。为实现这一目标,我们专注 于业务革新,提升服务体验,和提供可靠的财务回报。 Get information about GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC on Finra BrokerCheck.
和高曼萨克斯公司. 率领的业务团队与外国投资银行如高曼萨克斯公司. 投资银行. "goldman sachs (china) llc"中文翻译 高盛(中国)有限责任公司.